When to Get New Hearing Aids

When to Get New Hearing Aids

A common question we are often asked is: “How often should I change my hearing aids?” It’s a tough question to answer.

Although we usually suggest replacing hearing aids every three to five years, individual needs widely wildly depending on specific requirements. However, there are some common reasons why you might want to go for an upgrade. If you agree with one or more of the following statements, it might be time to switch to a newer device.

“My new hearing aids aren’t working well.”

Hearing aids require routine maintenance and occasional technical repair. But they are worn on the body, everywhere you go, and don’t sit safely in your pocket as your smartphone does.

Like everything else on the body, they are exposed to elements and can be exposed to heat, high humidity, extreme temperatures, dust, and dirt. Additionally, part of a hearing aid lies inside the ear canal. Because most ear canals contain a combination of moisture and earwax, it is clear that hearing aids don’t function in the most hospitable of settings.

Depending on the type of hearing aid you wear, your lifestyle, and your ear canals, your hearing aids can need a lot of maintenance, new hearing aid batteries. But if you have been under repair more times than you would like in the past year, it’s a sure sign you need to get a new pair.

“I have a more demanding lifestyle than before.”

Your hearing aids should suit your lifestyle. A new career, marriage, or family member may bring happiness to your life, but it may also mean an increased demand for your hearing capacity.

Work conferences or new social events during weekends might mean you have switched from occasionally wearing hearing aids to wearing them all day. In this situation, you would benefit from a more discreet and comfortable pair for long-term use.

If you’re a new grandparent or parent, or need to be more aware of your surroundings, or if your new job needs more in-person contact, consider hearing aids with improved noise control and more functionality. Whether it is the safety of your grandchildren or your co-workers, the latest noise reduction and microphone technology will help you stay vigilant of those around you.

“My current hearing aids don’t suit my prescription.”

Remember that age-related hearing loss is degenerative— it gets worse as you age. This means you need to regularly see your hearing specialist if your hearing aids aren’t a fit for your current needs.

Perhaps in the past, your hearing aids were ideal for your exact hearing impairment, but your hearing prescription may have changed to the point that it is beyond the range of hearing aids you currently wear. If so, you may need to buy a more powerful tool to suit your changing needs.

“I’d like to try the latest technology.”

Technology evolves so rapidly in today’s fast-changing world that sometimes it’s hard to stay on top of any new model. Hearing aids are now faster, convenient, and more discreet than ever before.

Within today’s hearing aid world, the most innovative technology is lithium-ion rechargeable batteries and hearing aids that can wirelessly attach to any device without a streamer.

If your hearing aids are under-performing, you may want to browse the market for the latest technologically advanced hearing aids.

We can help

If you have any concerns about your current hearing aids and wonder if it’s time to get new ones, visit us at Ascent Audiology. We’ll professionally clean and test your hearing aids and look for any signs of harm that can impact sound quality. If they still have life left in them, we will make any required repairs and help you keep your hearing aids in good condition.

If you’ve been thinking of getting new hearing aids, we can help you there too! You can explore your hearing aid options and ask our team for expert guidance on the best hearing aids for your needs.

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