
Hearing Tests
At Aspire Audiology and Hearing, we're more than just a hearing aid center. We are your one-stop comprehensive hearing health provider in Nashville, offering specialized care and attention for all facets of your hearing health care.
Hearing tests are designed to measure your sound reception and processing capabilities. If a hearing loss is detected, it is also intended to determine the nature of hearing loss you experience and the extent to which you experience it.
Here’s what to expect at one of our hearing tests:
Ear Examination
Speech recognition: This tests your ability to understand speech without having visual cues such as lip movements or facial expressions.
Tympanometry: It helps to determine whether there is fluid in the middle ear that should not be there.
Review of Audiogram

Veterans Services

Hearing Aid Repair
Hearing aids consist of sensitive electronic technology, small microphones, speakers, and tubing. These tiny components can be filled with wax or moisture and fail from time to time. While hearing aids are usually very reliable, sometimes they need routine maintenance or even repair. Most hearing aid repairs are typically very simple and quick to address. Some common hearing aid repairs include:
Wax Filter Changes -Retubing of Earmolds -Hearing Aid Receiver Replacements - Cleaning Battery Contacts -Replacing Battery Doors

About Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a common condition affecting around 50 million Americans. Many people describe it as a hissing, roaring, whooshing or buzzing noise. It can be intermittent or chronic, and is not a disease itself, but a sign of an underlying medical condition.
If you think you may have tinnitus, contact us at Aspire Audiology and Hearing. We have various treatments to help you overcome the annoyance associated with these noises.

Hearing Protection