
Senior man with hearing aid using tablet computer indoors

Tips for Video Calls and Group Chats for Hearing Loss

We meet up online, go to school online and even work online in greater numbers than ever before. And in many ways, this shift toward remote socializing, learning and work has created greater accessibility across the board. But there is always room for improvement. Check out our tips for running a more accessible meeting, particularly for those who struggle with

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Why You Should Treat Your Hearing with Us!

Do you feel like your hearing is deteriorating from what it once was? Perhaps you have recently experienced trouble hearing in noisy environments, or a family member has repeatedly mentioned that you might be experiencing hearing problems.  How do you know where to go for a hearing test? We know you have options, so let’s discuss why seeing a qualified

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Dispelling Myths about Hearing Loss

When people make a list of things they fear as they age, hearing loss is seldom near the top. That’s because many of us have grown up thinking of hearing loss as something that happens only to “old” people.  However, it turns out we’ve got it all wrong. Hearing loss affects everyone differently and can happen at any age. So

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Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer

Hearing aids are truly a dependable feat of engineering. They are used daily, exposed to the elements and often house a tiny computer. They take a beating and keep on going, helping us to expand our quality of life and continue to find comfort and joy in our close relationships. But they’re also an investment and another item to care

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Connect with Your Loved Ones with Hearing Loss Treatment

This month was Better Hearing & Speech Month, observed by audiologists and hearing care professionals across the United States. With the help of our colleagues, we aim to raise awareness and educate about hearing loss awareness and prevention measures.   Improved speech and hearing are among the primary goals of Better Speech and Hearing Month (BSHM). Public awareness for BSHM

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How Does Telemedicine Work?

How Does Telemedicine Work?

With the cultural shifts currently taking place as a result of the pandemic, telemedicine has recently found itself in an entirely new arena.  The Covid-19 pandemic required people to explore new pathways to treatment and at the same time, encouraged various states to relax restrictions relating to telemedicine. The result is that more people than ever have chosen to remotely

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Ascent Audiology & Hearing Madison

Connect with Your Loved Ones with Hearing Loss Treatment

For almost 100 years, hearing health professionals have banded together with other communication specialists endeavoring to spread awareness and spur action through a month-long advocacy campaign. Better Speech and Hearing Month’s theme, Connecting People, stays true to the original mission: to spread the word about communication disorders like hearing loss, and connect you to resources that will alleviate your burden.

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How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Having Hearing Loss Treated Can Lead to Improved Relationships

Ask anyone who has been married a long time – Love, for the most part, involves maintenance. Why do we sometimes feel frustrated or misunderstood by the ones we care about the most? How can we sincerely care about someone but still feel disconnected from them at times? While we don’t have all the answers here at Aspire Audiology &

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More Work to be Done on Hearing Loss with the ADA 

While the signing into law of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990 marks an important landmark in the expansion of rights for disabled people, the road to that moment began decades prior. Thousands of activists contributed to its passing into legislation through their hard work, determination, and vision.  We are now witnessing an aged ADA. Many millennials and

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