Hearing Conservation
Noise Induced
Hearing Loss
The most common threat to your hearing is also the most preventable. Noise induced hearing loss is the single most common cause of permanent hearing damage and develops when we expose our hearing to sound at dangerous volumes.
Our hearing relies on delicate sensory cells that live within the cochlea of the inner ear. These cells, known as “hair cells,” do the finely-tuned work of detecting sound waves in the air and translating those waves into electrical signals for the brain to process. Hair cells are amazing, but also very delicate. Stimulation from too much noise can cause irreparable damage to them.
Excessive Noise
When can a noise cause lasting harm to our hearing? Our hearing has different thresholds for different volumes of sound. For most people, 85 decibels an important level to recognize. Being exposed to 85 dB of sound for 8 hours can cause lasting injury to our hearing. As sound becomes louder, the limit of our exposure time greatly decreases. Volume of 95 dB is only safe for one hour, while 105 dB of sound causes harm after just 10 minutes of exposure. Sounds above 120 dB are unsafe for any amount of time.
If you’re concerned about the noise in your life, you can take stock of your exposure with simple-to-use sound measuring smart phone apps. Smartphone apps like DecibelX offer an easy way to see if your routines expose you to dangerous levels of sound.
Occupational Hearing Hazards
Custom-Fitted Ear Protection
Musicians Plugs
For many people, the soul of Nashville is our incredible music scene. Built on talent, passion, and an incredible ear for sound, the musicians, vocalists and sound engineers rely on their hearing every day. If music is part of who you are, make sure your hearing keeps up with your career!
The average live concert registers at 105 dB, a level that can cause permanent hearing damage after only 10 minutes of exposure! For music lovers, that means that performing or seeing your favorite group can actually hurt your ability to hear into the future. If music is an integral part of your life, it’s time to consider investing in musicians’ plugs.
Musicians’ plugs are specially designed custom ear plugs that allow you to hear the richness of music without threatening your long-term ability to hear. Discreet and custom fit to your ear, musicians’ plugs deliver high-fidelity sound while protecting you from hazardous noise levels.